
13.11.1953 in Oslo, Norway

Current position:

Head of department and Professor at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technology, Art and Design

Art education:

1991-95     The National Art Academy, Oslo, Norway. Sculpture Department

1987-91   Teacher-college in Art and craft

Selection of Public art:


2015       Sokna village, Buskerud, Roundabout, National road project

2014        Nesodden, School and cultural center.

2013       Nardo school, Trondheim, Primary school and kindergarten.

2007        E18 Highway bridge, Drammen

2006        Borge Primary school, Porsgrunn

2004         Hvam High school, Akershus

2001        The river “Akerselva”, Oslo

2000          Prestheia Primary school, Kristiansand

2000        NTNU (National Technical University), Trondheim

1999        Sjølyst Squar, Oslo

1996        College Buskerud, Hønefoss

2000         Ecos, Ballymena, (Northern Irland)

 Selection of Exhibitions:


2008        Norwegian Skulpturbiennale
2008        Mørkeromsbilder-Bjørka 10-year-
2007        “Sculpture in the North, 2007”    travelling exhibition-Septembrium Symposium, -Gallery F15, anniversary exhibition
2003        Hol municipality,
2001        Nes municipal Cultural Center
2000        Gallery Brandstrup, Oslo-Norwegian Pictures, City Hall, Oslo
1999        Museum of contemporary art
              Norwegian textile artists/Galleri RAM/Norske graphic artists
1997        Glåmdals Agricultural Museum, Elverum
1995        Akershus Artist Centre/Gallery/Henry Hill Art Association-Oslo Art Association and the UKS-Draw League
1994        Gallery F 15, Jeløya- cultural festival,
1993        young artists ‘ society (UK)-
              The Henie-Onstad Contemporary Art Centre, Høvikodden
1992        Østfold, Artist Centre, Fredrikstad
1991        East Norway district art exhibition


2010        Outdoor Art &Sculpture Exhibition, Boston Harbor Shipyard, Boston, USA

2010        Nordic Sculpture biennale, Eskilstuna, Sweden

2009        Biennale Kijkduin, Den Haag, the Nederlands

2005        Glasspalais Heerlen, Heerlen, the Nederlands.

2003        Denkmalschmiede Høfgen, Grimma, Leipzig, Germany.

1998        National art committee/Norrköpings Konstmuseum, Sweden

1996                Järva Folkets Park, Stockholm, Sweden.

International Workshops 

1997        Poznan, Poland

1994        Poznan, Poland

1993        Jokioinen, Finland

Scientific Publications

15th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Dublin, Ireland, 05-06.09.2013

Title: Exploring the design of mousetraps


The presentation of the mousetrap study introduces in a way the general connections between material and technical constructions and moral consequences of ethical perspectives.

Other Publications

Published several articles in technical- and art magazines. Several interviews in Norwegian and international medias.